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Ali Akhtari

I'm a research assistant at Algorand Fintech Lab, a research unit dedicated to the economic analysis of digital transformation in financial services industry. I work as a quantitative trader at Agron Capital (Pesko's family office) to design and build systematic trading algorithms (2.44 annualized return/volatility ratio in 2023). Last summer, I interned at Goldman Sachs' Asset & Wealth Management Engineering division. I study Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence at Bocconi University.

I allocate most of my free time to sports and penning articles. I used to write for Tarafdari as a sports columnist, where my works have been read roughly 5 million times. I co-founded Mr. Gamification consulting agency, and translated Gamification by Design, written by Cunningham and Zichermann, into Persian (14K+ copies sold). I contributed to F1Iran, the largest motorsport journal in the middle east, and maintained a personal blog about philosophy and mental health that received around half a million views by early 2024.
These days, I usually write about markets and algorithmic trading. My works have been published by top software development publications, including Hacker Noon, TealFeed, and Level Up Coding. Check out my latest articles at Medium and Hacker Noon.

I ride horses, ski, and sky gaze. I'm fascinated by ancient philosophies like Taoism and Stoicism. My personality type is ENTP. I bench 220.